Combat Shadow IT Scenarios

Leverage email behavior for visibility and control over application usage to apply consistent policy enforcement across the workforce

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Unsanctioned applications quickly mushroom throughout your network, out of sight and out of control. Despite company policies that require formal procurement and SSO authentication, it’s near impossible to maintain adherence given how quick and easy it is for users to sign up for applications directly via email without your knowledge.

Trying to block apps across the workforce is a game of whack-a-mole between OAuth allow lists, network controls, and browser extensions

Teams have varying levels of security awareness, leading to inconsistent application of IT policies

Not all applications enable SSO or make it cost-ineffective, making it difficult to achieve total coverage

The Material Difference

Material analyzes system generated emails from applications to infer usage across the workforce, and helps enforce consistent policies by directly controlling access to select account-related emails

App Discovery

Material provides a list of third-party apps used at your organization and the accounts using them by detecting signup confirmations, password resets, and other automated messages.

Step Up Authentication

For sanctioned applications that use email as the primary authentication mechanism, Material applies an added layer of authentication to verify the account owner.

App Blocking

For applications you do not want users signing up for, Material intercepts signup emails so users must go through proper channels for proper authorization.

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With the rise of Shadow IT, it’s great that we now have visibility into which users are creating which accounts in various applications. Now we can decide whether to bring that in-house when we see patterns, and it no longer becomes shadow.

Giovanni Sanchez

Systems Engineer

Combatting Shadow IT scenarios at leading organizations of all kinds