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Material at BSidesSF and RSA Conference 2022

We are so excited to be back in person with you all! This will be our first time at BSidesSF and RSA Conference as a group and we’ve received loads of good advice from our friends in the community. Here’s a quick brief on where you can find us throughout the week. We hope you’ll stop by to meet the team, grab some swag, and hang out. 👋

May 23, 2022
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Material Team
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We are so excited to be back in person with you all! This will be our first time at BSidesSF and RSA Conference as a group and we’ve received loads of good advice from our friends in the community. Here’s a quick brief on where you can find us throughout the week. We hope you’ll stop by to meet the team, grab some swag, and hang out. 👋

1. Hang with Material at BSidesSF

Our team is sponsoring The Village at BSidesSF. We’ll be hanging in the main hall, attending sessions, and passing out some swag over the weekend. Check out the full BSides SF schedule here.

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2. Visit Material at our suite inside Hotel Zelos

Just down the block from Moscone, we have a suite reserved at Hotel Zelos with food and beverages throughout the day and space to hang away from the show. Swing by to grab some limited edition swag, meet CEO Ryan Noon and the rest of our team, and decompress.

If you’d like to book some 1:1 time with our team, you can also book directly using this meeting link or email us at info@material.security.

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3. Swing by booth 6281 in the North Hall

We’ll also have a booth inside the North Hall where we’ll be showing our different features in action. Swing by to learn about our new take to securing email even post-breach. We’ll have folks who can show you a proper demo and answer any technical questions. Plus, we’ll have more fun swag at the booth. ;)

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We look forward to seeing many of you at this year’s show in San Francisco. For those not attending this year, we hope to see you at other events in the near future. Check back for updates on Infosec Europe and Black Hat 2022. And if you have another event you recommend we check out, let us know! Email us at info@material.security.

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Abhishek Agrawal
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Fed Gov Today Interview: Adopting the Zero Trust Mindset

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Abhishek Agrawal
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Abhishek Agrawal
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