Demo Video: Automated File Detection & Response for Google Drive thumbnail

Demo Video: Automated File Detection & Response for Google Drive

Take a deeper look at Material's automated detection and response features for Google Drive.

Nate Abbott
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Global Observability in a Single-Tenant Architecture

At Material Security, our unique deployment model allows us to uphold rigorous standards for security and reliability by dedicating a separate Google Cloud Platform (GCP) instance for each of our customers. This total isolation of customer data and infrastructure establishes trust with our customers while also granting us the flexibility to customize features and deployment configurations on a per-tenant basis.

Bridget Went
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green background and text saying The Case for Email Security Posture Management (ESPM)
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The Case for Email Security Posture Management (ESPM)

Following an action packed week at the recent Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, I’m all full of acronym soup – but amidst the growing number of XSPM categories, and a timely seed planted in a conversation, it got me thinking – can we make a valid case for Email Security Posture Management (ESPM)? I’m not a Gartner analyst, nor do I play one on TV, so consider this a thought experiment.

Ivan Dwyer
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Risky Biz Podcast Interview with Patrick Gray

Abhishek speaks with Patrick Gray from Risky Biz as a feature for this week's podcast. They also discuss how non-phishing resistant MFA is basically dead, how email content is very useful to security programs, and about how the gen AI won’t really change much on the defensive control side.

Material Security Team
Abhishek Agrawal
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Smashing Security Podcast Interview with Carole Theriault

Abhishek speaks with Carole Theriault from Smashing Security as a feature for this week's podcast. They discuss the inception of Material Security, why we should treat email as critical infrastructure, and how the content in your email is a target to move laterally across other accounts.

Material Security Team
Abhishek Agrawal
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Industry Insights
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How to Control External Access to Offboarded Users’ Shared Files

Employee offboarding is a task that HR, IT, and Security teams handle today more often than ever before. As worker mobility continues to increase–both in the form of voluntary job changes and what NIST gently terms “unfriendly” terminations–the ability to seamlessly and securely offboard employees is critical, and failing to do so has serious security implications.

Nate Abbott
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Why Unsanctioned Apps Complicate ATO Attacks–And How to Protect Against Them

Account takeover (ATO) attacks are notoriously difficult to detect. The presence of unsanctioned apps and services within an environment exacerbates the problem. Material’s unique approach to email and data security prevents and streamlines the response to these threats.

Nate Abbott
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Industry Insights
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Unsupervised Learning Podcast Interview with Daniel Miessler

Abhishek sat down with Daniel Miessler from Unsupervised Learning to talk through:

Abhishek Agrawal
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Industry Insights
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Material is Secure by Design in Practice

Chris Long
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John Hammond Video: What Secrets Are in Your Email?

John Hammond, the host of a YouTube channel focused on cybersecurity education and ethical hacking, dug into Material Security’s product suite. We’re encouraged to know that security practitioners realize the importance of protecting sensitive data, other SaaS applications, all in either Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.

Material Team
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Material: Security and Architecture Overview

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Demo Video: Automated File Detection & Response for Google Drive thumbnail
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Demo Video: Automated File Detection & Response for Google Drive

Take a deeper look at Material's automated detection and response features for Google Drive.

Nate Abbott
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Fed Gov Today Interview: Adopting the Zero Trust Mindset Thumbnail
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Fed Gov Today Interview: Adopting the Zero Trust Mindset

Abhishek joined the Fed Gov Today show with Francis Rose to explore how Federal agencies are utilizing a zero trust approach to build a resilience framework.

Material Team
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ESG360 Video: Abhishek Agrawal

Listen and watch our CTO Abhishek chat email security with ESG senior analyst, Dave Gruber, for an ESG360 Video. Their conversation ranged from mapping the evolving email threat landscape facing enterprises and individuals, to shining light on the countless ways a hacker can inflict pain after successfully infiltrating an inbox, to exploring how Material takes a novel approach to delivering inside-out security through APIs.

Material Team
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