Take a deeper look at Material's automated detection and response features for Google Drive.
As recently announced, Material customers can now continuously protect against unwanted external sharing and excessive permissions in Google Drive. Today, we’ll take a deeper look at those capabilities in this video.
Material has expanded our search and discovery capabilities by allowing users to seamlessly create detections and remediations built upon those searches. Now, in addition to being able to quickly find and remediate sensitive content shared outside your organization, Material can do it for you. These exciting features enable you to maintain visibility and control over your shared files, with flexible responses–including automatically notifying file owners when sensitive content is shared externally andbuilt-in grace periods before access is automatically revoked. This also helps secure the offboarding process, creating the ability to automatically revoke external access to files owned by an offboarded user upon the suspension of that user in Okta.
Watch the video below to see these capabilities in action.
Your Google Drive isn’t just a storage and collaboration platform: it’s critical infrastructure that needs to be protected accordingly. That’s the Material advantage.
To find out what sensitive files your organization is sharing, contact us for a demo today.